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The Aquarian Age asks us to step into our most empowered Self.
We live in a time where old systems are crumbling as a new world emerges. We have a golden opportunity to construct a world where Heaven on Earth prevails. We can live in a way where we self govern, led by love, instead of being governed by a select few, led by greed. But first we need to get our internal affairs in order. We need to heal ourselves, believe in ourselves, and deeply love ourselves. From this space we have the vitality and radiance and compassion to be a force of light and hope for others.
A crucial foundation and building block for someone on a spiritual path is a community of people who practice the same teachings, live in similar reverence, and work/study together towards shared values and consciousness. This is a Sangha. If you want to go slow, go alone. If you want to go far and full, link with a spiritual community.
Jai Kundalini Training is not your typical yoga training. It’s an elevation in all areas of your life. It’s understanding you have a unique energy signature with gifts to offer and a unique soul curriculum with lessons to learn. This training will help you to reveal parts of your self previously hidden so you can take yourself further than you ever imagined, all while being held in the supportive embrace of the Jai community.
Kundalini is the Universal Energy behind all things. It is the umbrella energy that informs all healing. Kundalini Yoga is not just another form of yoga; it is the Mother of all Yogas. Yoga is interested in moving kundalini energy and Kundalini Yoga moves energy in the most effective and efficient way. It is an ancient and intelligent system to move density so we can have a greater experience of our Soul.
Jai’s training is designed to shift you, expand you, and elevate you. We need to expand conscious and awaken over and over again. We need to diligently work on ourselves so we don’t habitually return to the status quo we work to ascend from. Through our due diligence, we understand the kingdom of heaven is here. Jai Kundalini Training will give you a new foundation and a supportive community to lift to new heights you never thought possible.
We all have a genius, a gift. We came here with purpose and passion. We have a mission to fulfill. The closer we live aligned to our mission, the greater we experience true bliss. Jai aims to help individuals heal their emotional, physical, and mental blocks so that more souls not just remember their purpose, but have the confidence and clarity to carry out their mission with strength and grace.
Jennifer (Jai) is a Kundalini Teacher and owner of Jai Yoga. She has been a devoted student of kundalini for over 15 years and teaching for 10 years. Her teaching style is motivating, empowering, soulful, humorous and relevant. Her teachings are filled with transmissions and are known to expand consciousness and evoke healing.
Jai, Jennifer’s spiritual name, was given to her by her teacher. Jai means Victory and this is the energy you feel in Jai’s presence. She has an intuitive and empowering essence that elevates you beyond the illusion of your doubts and fears. She is a soul activator and will inspire you to move in the direction of destiny.
Jennifer has a BA in education and spent 10 years teaching in the public school system. She has studied diet and nutrition at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and completed study with Dr. Gabor Mate’s Compassionate Inquiry program. She has been studying Kundalini Yoga with Ravi Singh since 2014 and helps to assist Ravi’s Teacher Trainings.
Of all her study and trainings, Jennifer’s greatest teachers are her three children whom are the constant catalyst for her to evolve as a yogi.
This training meets once a month for the duration of a year (October 2023 – Sept 2024)
Saturday 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sunday 10:00 am – 4:00pm
We will meet in Madison and New Haven location.
Location will be announced at time of training.
Oct. 14-15, 2023
Nov. 11-12, 2023
Dec. 9-10, 2023
Jan. 13-14, 2024
Feb. 10-11, 2024
March 9-10, 2024
April 13-14, 2024
May 18-19, 2024
June 8-9, 2024
July 13-14, 2024
Aug. 10-11, 2024
Sept. 21-22, 2024
Oct. 14-15, 2023
There is a lot of mystery and mysticism around Kundalini. What is it? Is it dangerous? What are its roots? In this module we will unpack the intrigue around Kundalini. As we trace the roots and ways Kundalini has evolved over millennia, we will come to understand we have a unique part to play in the unfolding of this universal energy as well as a much needed course correction in the ways yoga is practiced in our modern world.
Nov. 11-12, 2023
True yoga goes beyond the mat. Yoga is a life-style. Yoga is the constant purification of self to know thy Self. In this module we will delve into the observances of yogi life. We will also explore the essence of yoga as it lives in tantra ( the dance of polarity) and mantra (the sacred sound current).
Dec. 9-10, 2023
We are more non-physical beings than we are physical ones. True yoga is the union of the infinite subtle realms and finite tangible realms. A comprehensive study and knowledge base of what’s beyond the five senses is the ultimate quest for a yogi. This module brings us into the subtle world of energy via the ten body system as taught by Yogi Bhajan. We will deep dive into understanding how breath and Prana (life-force energy) are fundamentals in our practice. Breath is what gives us life. When we command the breath, we can command life itself.
Jan. 13-14, 2024
In this module, we will continue our exploration and study into the subtle world of energy. The physical body is a manifestation of the energy body. To better ascertain the physical we will look at the subtle and to understand the subtle we will discuss the physical constructs of the body. The central focus in this module will be looking at how the the light system (nadis), energy flows (meridians), and frequency discs (chakras) relate to our various organs and glands
Feb. 10-11, 2024
The Universe is made of elements: earth, water, fire, air and ether. These are the fundamental building blocks of every known thing. We are made of these elements, so we need to understand how these elements inform and influence us as well as how to bring them into balance. Ultimately, yoga is about balance. Once we understand how to balance ourself at the elemental level, we can create vitality, harmony, ease and flow.
March 9-10, 2024
Trauma is pervasive on our planet. Trauma is the what keeps us in painful patterns and ensues our suffering. The amount of trauma on the planet seems insurmountable at times. Kundalini Yoga is the anecdote for trauma as Kundalini is the most healing force in the Universe. In this module we will look at trauma through the lens of karma, generational, emotional, and physical. We will fill up our healers toolbox with effective techniques to help a vast range of physical, emotional and/or mental issues.
April 13-14, 2024
The yogis would never consider practicing yoga without knowledge of astrology and the greater cosmos. As above, so below. There is one Universal energy and we are it. In this module we will explore the various archetypes of the Universal energy and how the archetypes and energy can be used to enhance our practice. We will discuss evolutionary cycles, break down astrological concepts, and delve into the meanings of the planets, houses, constellations and more. As we discuss the cosmos we will make applications to how the greater body is synonymous with our physical bodies.
May 18-19, 2024
The sacred breath is integral to all yoga. Breath is life and yoga is the method to having (some) control over this life. In this module we will expand our knowledge on pranayama and innerstand what circumstances require certain breath modalities. We will also study the science to kriya. Kriya means inspired action. We will look at various Kriyas to understand how the movement of kundalini energy is inspired through our practice. This module will help us to design effective Kriyas, classes, and practices to move energy where we and/or our students have become stagnant.
June 8-9, 2024
This month we will celebrate Spring and creation in bloom. There will be no new material, but we will meet and discuss how we are blooming the teachings within. The focus will be on where do we need to prune things back so that new flowers of knowledge can bloom. Special activities such as a sweat lodge, sacred circle and a documentary discussion will be possible items on the weekend agenda.
July 13-14, 2024
To be an effective healer and kundalini teacher is to embody the practice. These teachings represent lifetimes of knowledge and take a lifetime/s of study and reverence to unearth the treasures they behold. In module 9 & 10 we will revisit and review pertinent points from the training and address questions and spontaneous inquiry. There will be ample time to practice teachings, design classes and develop effective therapy sessions.
Aug. 10-11, 2024
We will continue the integration of what has been discovered through the Jai Kundalini Training. The goal of Jai’s training is for you to feel confident to put into action these teachings when called upon. We will discuss the various settings in which these teachings support humanity beyond a “typical” yoga class. In the Aquarian Age we need to be innovative in our approach to making these teachings accessible to all. Networking and creating healing events will be part of this module.
Sept. 21-22, 2024
The Aquarian Age is the age we return heaven unto earth. In this module we will learn the sutras of the Aquarian Age and discuss the measure by which we successfully live them. We will learn and practice prosperity teachings and celebrate the incredible ways we have healed and evolved over the past year together.
Upon successful* completion of this training, you will receive a Jai Kundalini Training certificate and will be eligible to receive certification and designation through EK (Evolving Kundalini). EK is dedicated to preserving yogic traditions and stewarding the forward evolution of kundalini yoga. As an EK member you will be connected to a global kundalini community for support and networking. Please note that certifications will not be awarded until your payment has been completed.
*successful completion means you have attended all modules, completed requested assignments, and participated to the best of your ability.
* Jai Unlimited and Infinity Members receive $650 off the cost of tuition as long as membership is kept current.
The training meets one weekend a month on Saturday and Sunday. Your attendance during these modules is important as this is where the transmissions are most potent. You will be given a home practice that could take anywhere between 30-60 minutes daily. Your home practice is decided by you. It is requested you attend one kundalini yoga class a week as a minimum. There will be a handful of other assignments that should take an hour or so a week to complete. In sum, the time you put into your study is the measure of what you get out of a training like this.
Jai’s training is designed to meet you are your individual need. There will be meditations given to you to practice on your own as a committed Sadhana. At times you will be asked to research or write upon or share kriyas and meditations to better integrate the material. This is an Aquarian Age training. The word requirement is should be taken lightly as it’s more about the deep desire to research and reveal material that lights you up.
Jai’s training is designed to meet you are your individual need. There will be meditations given to you to practice on your own as a committed Sadhana. At times you will be asked to research or write upon or share kriyas and meditations to better integrate the material. This is an Aquarian Age training. The word requirement is should be taken lightly as it’s more about the deep desire to research and reveal material that lights you up.
Kundalini Yoga is both a meditative and physical practice. Modifications can be made (and will be taught) for all exercises. A good portion of the training is discussion. Therefore, one’s fitness level is not a factor for this training. Previous ailments will not deter one’s ability to participate. If anything, this training will provide more endurance and healing for any existing condition.
Yes! Upon successful completion you will receive a Jai Training certificate and will be prepared to get qualified as an Evolving Kundalini practitioner. Jai (Jennifer) is a designated EK3 teacher. An EK certification is peer reviewed and gives you community and mentorship on your path and process.
There are three options for payment: Pay in full; pay half at the start of training and the second half mid-training; or make a down payment and pay monthly. The various options are designed to make the training accessible to all. If you need other payment options, reach out to Jai to see what could be arranged for your unique situation.
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