One of the greatest perks of being a Jai member is having access to MOONBEAMS. The moon represents our inner world. When we illuminate our inner world we not only gain more clarity on our soul mission; we evolve the soul by illuminating and integrating our shadow.
With the Virtual, Divine, or Infinity Membership you also get access to MOONBEAMS.
Receive Jai’s exclusive email with a video guided New Moon Meditation to embrace the archetypal energy of the astro-season and experience soul growth through the new moon cycle. The email will also share inspiration and soul evoking prompts to help you do your shadow work. This means you have a meditation and inspired direction to practice throughout each new moon cycle.
Access to Jai Moonbeams support group on telegram where we discuss New Moon themes and other potent transits that rock and roll our world. Jai’s favorite Evolutionary Astrologer, Betsy Bell Osterholm, will be facilitating this group along with Jai to support you through cosmic-transits.
Once a month on MOONday (Monday) you will have the opportunity see how the new moon is personally activating your natal chart. Our in house Astrologer, Betsy, will deliver you your natal chart and help you understand how to best set intentions for each moon cycle. These group coaching calls will guide you through your unique challenges and celebrate your accomplishments.
Discount off the monthly Moonbeams Art Practice: Conscious Creation, led by Alyssa Hazelton. Alyssa will nurture your inner creative space and guide you into expressing your unique vision through art making. Each art class will relate to the energies of the new moon for further integration of your spiritual practice. This class is offered both in studio and online.
Memberships are designed to support your in your practice.
The more you practice, the more vitality, creativity, clarity and bliss you cultivate.
As a Jai member, you can to drop into any Jai classes at a discounted rate and receive perks on other Jai Studio events.
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168 Boston Post Rd Suite 5 Madison, CT 06443
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